2021-08-25 09:20405

Personal protective equipment only works when it is worn, and this is particularly true when it comes to gloves. When field personnel have to continually remove gloves to operate touchscreen devices, or choose to wear them selectively due to awkward fit or uncomfortable construction, opportunities for lost-time incidents increase.

Ironclad IEX-HZI Gloves
Ironclad IEX-HZI Gloves

Ironclad Performance Products introduced its new IEX-HZI impact-resistant, high-visibility, touchscreen-compatible glove at the LAGCOE New Technology Showcase on Wednesday afternoon. The new gloves include a number of new features that improve performance and, most importantly, keep them on the field teams’ hands.

Ironclad’s new gloves are made with a conductive material that covers the entire palm, for use with touchscreen devices. The material is carbon-infused, so that the touchscreen-compatible properties can’t be worn off or washed off. Palms are also reinforced with foam padding to reduce fatigue from tool vibration.

Armor on the tops of the digits tapers at the fingertips. Pinch injuries are common at the fingertips, and the tapered design helps push fingers out of the way, when pinch force is applied. Armor is cast in oil-resistant high-visibility yellow, increasing visibility for both the wearer and his peers in the field. Making it easier to identify where someone’s hands are, when video footage is reviewed, helps identify opportunities to improve safety procedures.

A Velcro closure on the back of the wrist replaces elastic, allowing the wearer to unfasten the glove to improve air flow. Even the best safety equipment can’t mitigate injury risk, if it is too uncomfortable to use.