2022-07-22 10:35920

HOUSTON – GD Energy Products (GDEP), a total solutions provider for the drilling, well servicing and frac pumps market, has partnered with Texas Pump Systems (TPS) to develop innovative pumps for a large offshore floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facility. 

TPS has worked closely with GDEP for more than 20 years. Together, the two companies have developed highly regulated, certified pump packaged solutions that are tailored to customer specifications. TPS packages GDEP pumps that are certified to operate in potentially highly explosive atmospheres, on FPSOs that can produce up to 180,000 bpd and can store up to 2,000,000 bbls of crude oil. The pump packages are housed within one of 15 or more process equipment modules, weighing in excess of 5,000 tons each, mounted to the topsides.

“FPSOs require a reliable network of commissioning, maintenance and support,” said Ernst Vanderlaan, senior product manager for TPS. “They are generally located at fixed locations in deep waters, hundreds of miles offshore Africa, Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico and Malaysia, tied to several deep-sea wells. A very strategic, strong partnership that draws on engineering innovation was required to meet the requirements that have historically been provided by European manufacturers. With GDEP, we found an extremely reliable product and adequate application sizing of the entire packaged pump solution for the customer.”

GDEP and TPS combined their experience to design these highly specified pumps with special fluid end materials such as 2205 duplex stainless steels, custom packing arrangements and valve designs, all precisely engineered to the demanding project specifications. The two companies will provide innovative packaged pump solutions for services including: hot diesel fuel circulation, flow line circulation, hot crude oil circulation; flow line displacement; bull-heading and squeeze operation; and flowline pigging.

Larry Kerr, CEO of GDEP, said, “The offshore oil and gas technology sector is growing in sophistication every day and our engineers have been working closely with TPS to supply a competitive, lightweight, proven pump package that works reliably in these highly demanding environments. This project is part of a highly engineered and specialized niche market and will open the door for many future prospects with our ever-widening portfolio of pump offerings.”