Topland finished the production of SHALE SHAKERrecently and they have passed the strict quality inspection by our QC.Now they are ready for deliver to our overseas client.
Part Number Name API number D100 in microns Conductance
kD/mmNBOA m2
6VNM075RHD RHD75 45 334 4.94 0.50
6VNM089RHD RHD89 50 284 4. 17 0.50
6VNM105RHD RHO 105 60 255 3.90 0.50
6VNM115RHD RHD 115 70 228 3.32 0.50
6VNM145RHD RHD 145 70 204 2.85 0.50
6VNM180RHD RHD180 80 168 2.46 0.50
ovNM215RHD RHD 215 100 142 2.03 0.50
6VNM255RHD RHD 255 120 120 1.70 0.50
6VNM280 RHD RHD280 120 117 1.59 0.50
6VNM285RHD RHD 285 140 98.3 1.12 0.50
6VNM300RHD RHD 300 170 84.5 1.33 0.50
6VNM330RHD RHD 330 200 72.7 1.01 0.50